Children’s Small Groups

Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Children from ages Kindergarten-5th grade join together for whole group learning and then split up into three small groups based on their grades: K/1st, 2nd/3rd, 4th/5th. Each small group is paired with a trained leader and mentor who journeys alongside the children on the journey with Jesus.

Everyday life challenges and joys are shared, as we build friendships with one another and learn to build a foundation for a life with God. Our hope for this time with God’s Word and one another is for children and leaders alike to learn about God, grow in relationship with Him, and love God and others like Jesus.

LEARNWe are learning who God is, who we are, and about the life we share together.

  We are learning…

  • the Bible is full of stories that help us to understand who God is and who he wants us to be. By reading and studying the Bible, we can start to know God. 
  • we are all children of God and, like any good parent, God is active in our lives. He can speak to us daily and He is working in our day-to-day lives. 
  • our three-in-one God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us follow His commands and be more like Jesus. 

GROWWe are growing in our relationship with God as we look for ways to connect with Him in our everyday lives.

We are growing…

  • our connection to God as we learn how to build a relationship with Him through one-on-one time with Him. 
  • our ability to hear God’s voice and respond. We are learning to listen for God’s voice by studying Bible stories, reading scripture and hearing others’ stories about God. 
  • our lives with God so we can share our God-stories with others and tell them about how Jesus is working in us. 

LOVEWe are loving like Jesus in our church, in our community, and in our world. 

We are loving…

  • each other and letting God use our friendships to help us follow God, understand his love, and live in his ways.
  • our community and our world, caring for people near and far, as we work together to show the love of Jesus to others and tell of his God’s love so others come to know Jesus too.

Parent’s Weekly Updates

We provide weekly parent sheets to help you support the learning experience at home.

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