Worship is time we provide on Sunday morning at 11 am either as a hour-long children’s worship experience or as an intergenerational worship experience.
But we encourage the worship of God to also include time at home with Bible stories, praying (talking) with God-listening for an inner voice of God in our heart-to be a part of everyday life. Jesus went to worship with others, but Christ also spent time alone with the Heavenly Father.
We teach children that God wants to be with them daily. Starting with toddlers and preschoolers using gems on a prayer tray and later with journals and a special space to be alone with God. Children are learning this important habit.
Soon your child may be asking to make a special God space at home. As the whole family learns to worship God throughout the week everyone can share their experience of God. God can become a part of everyday life in a much larger way than just on Sunday mornings.