Holy Week @ Christ Church
- Tuesday, March 30th – Holy Communion, FB LIVE at noon (You can watch any time after the LIVE recording on FB.)
- Thursday, April 1st – Maundy Thursday Service @ Christ Church: In-Person Worship
- Sunday, April 4th – 11 am Worship: In-Person and FB LIVE, recorded service available by email

Scripture: Luke 9:51-62
Reflection Questions:
What is one thing you need to do that you just haven’t gotten started?
What is standing in the way of you starting?
Supplemental Devotion for Families with Children. Click here.
Scripture: John 13:1-9,16
Reflection Questions:
How do you treat those who work with or under you (ex. children, employees, or volunteers)?
Whom can you serve today?
Are you willing to allow Jesus Christ to serve you, wash you entirely with his love and mercy?
Supplemental Devotional from Children & Family: Go here for a Family Activity
Scritpure: Matthew 26:36-46
Reflection Questions:
When were you last sorrowful or troubled?
Knowing that Christ entered a dark place of sorrow, will you let him be your comfort?
Supplemental Devotional from Children & Family: Go here for a Family Activity
Scripture: Luke 22:31-34, 47-62
How do you relate to Peter in this story?
Is there anything in the way of you following God’s call?
Supplemental Devotion from Children & Family: Go here for a Family Activity.
Scripture: Mark 11;15-19 (NIV)
What makes you legitimately angry?
What tables does Jesus need to ”turn over” in your Temple?
Supplemental Devotion from Children & Family: Go here for a Family Activity.