Our Mission
We are a Spirit-led, God-seeking community of Jesus followers transformed to boldly multiply disciples.
We are Spirit-Led:
In the Spirit, we are fully alive and free. Every day, whether together or apart, we follow God’s nudges and His radical direction. We believe in the power of Jesus to overcome darkness, to perform miracles, and to compel us to love unconditionally. We are ready for the Father to use us however He wills. Great things happen when God interrupts our lives.
We are God Seeking:
We humbly, passionately, and faithfully seek God with all our hearts, even when we don’t feel like it. Sometimes we fall on our knees, sit quietly, confess to one another, dance, or shout. We want to know the heart of the Father more and more. When we spend time with God, He changes us. Before we make a decision, we seek God’s face.
We are a Transformed Community of Jesus Followers:
We are brothers and sisters adopted into God’s family. We are a people who don’t have it all together, but we are always being made new by Christ. Through this tough world, we help and depend on each other. We intentionally build genuine relationships even when it isn’t comfortable by loving boldly, giving our time generously, and embracing newcomers. We create space for authentic community, steering one another to Christ through shared experiences, shared mission, shared joys, shared hurts –shared lives.
We are Boldly Multiplying Disciples:
By the power of the Spirit, we are a disciple-making movement. We spread the message of Jesus through our city and surrounding counties through a network of Christ-centered relationships where we work, live, and play. We make margin in our lives to share Christ and invest ourselves in others. Our Church creates/multiplies spiritual leaders who make an impact. We demonstrate the love of Jesus to a world that is hurting without the hope of eternal life with God and freedom to become who they were created to be.
Core Values
- The Bible is authoritative and formative to who we are and all we do. (2 Timothy 3:16)
- We are a praying community because prayer invites the Holy Spirit to change us and our world. (Philippians 4:6).
- Prayer is an ongoing conversation with God that shows we’re willing to lean on Him.
- Prayer is indispensable for good decisions and leadership.
- We diligently pursue intimacy with God through prayer. (James 5:13-16)
- We submit to the Holy Spirit with a surrendered heart and follow through with action.
- God uses us in miraculous ways as we respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 3:20)
- We search for those who are hurting and lost without Jesus to offer redemption and healing of bodies, minds, and souls. (Luke 15)
- We see all people as worthy of love because they are created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:27)
- No one has to have their life together to come to God or our church. (Romans 5:8)
- We are committed to a maturing relationship with God, evidenced by unity, surrender, gifts, and fruit. (Eph. 4:13-15, Galatians 5:22-23)
- Lives change as we encounter God.
- Every believer is being discipled as well as making disciples. (Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:2)
- We are a generous community that freely and joyfully gives of our talents, time, and resources both inside and outside the church.
- We actively represent God to others by loving extravagantly. (Matthew 22:37-39)
- We develop, equip, and send out leaders to multiply the Kingdom of God beyond Christ Church. (Matthew 28)