Media Team

We are excited that you are here to check out this team! See positions and descriptions below.

Any skill level high school or above is welcome to help. Worship media training starts with observation and discussion, followed by guided services until competent and confident.  The worship service supervisor will also be there to help during all services, smoothing whatever technical glitches arise. 

  • Sound Tech – Responsibilities: Set volume levels and other adjustments for band practice and service, mute microphones and instruments as needed during service, possibly make adjustments for streaming / Skill Set: Ear for music preferred, focus, attention to detail / Commitment: Flexible, once a month
  • Computer TechResponsibilities: Set up service and assist with lyrics and graphics, work to create a seamless visual experience during service / Skill Set: Multitasking, focus, ability to take changes and mistakes in stride / Commitment: Flexible, once a month
  • Video/Lighting TechResponsibilities: Set cameras and lighting appropriately during the Worship service / Skill Set: Following cues, dealing with ambiguity / Commitment: Flexible, once a month
  • Social Media WorshipResponsibilities: Schedule posts for worship general and /coordinate with staff on theme-related posts / Skill Set: media/tech savvy, organized
  • Worship Slide DesignsResponsibilities: Coordinate with staff to develop thematic message theme slides for worship service. / Skill Set: artistic, photo editing some experience needed, tech-savvy / Commitment: one semester
  • *Livestream: Responsibilities: Assist with livestreaming during the worship hour. Skill Set: tech-savvy. Commitment: one semester
  • *Camera Tech: Responsibilities: Choose camera angles for camera during worship. Skill Set: have a good eye, focus.
  • *Lyrics: Responsibilities: Upload lyrics using ProPresentor and help with Sunday am practice synching of what is sung with what is projected. / Skill Set: Tech-savvy, attention to detail.
  • *YouTube Film Clip & Upload: Responsibilities: Clip sermon from Worship video and upload to YouTube. / Skill Set: Tech-savvy. / Commitment:

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