Christ Church Youth

Who we are…
We are a community called to REACH out and CARE for students in love so that together we may MATURE in our faith and ACT on the teachings of Christ in order to ELEVATE the Lord!

Where we meet…

LOCATION-Christ Church (1111 Catnip Hill Rd – corner of Harrodsburg Rd [US68])

When we meet…

SUNDAY: CCY Gathering is a time of weekly community life for students 6th-12th grade and happens on Sundays from 5:00-6:30 p.m.  During this time, we hang out/play a game.  We discuss life issues to better understand God’s Truth for our lives, and we also share a meal together.

SMALL GROUPS: Youth meet in small groups with the purpose of encouraging one another in life and challenging each other to grow in Christ. If you are interested in joining with a small group, contact us for connection.

MONTHLY ACTIVITIES: Each month there are additional youth activities or opportunities to make a difference through ministry – check out the monthly calendar.

Important Information:


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